Using your Gm-Notes (main menu), you'll be able to do write out full descriptions and information for your map, which will be tied to the map in the application.
To make use of the dynamic room descriptions, select a room image from the list and drag it onto the text area.
On the left hand side, you can see the different functions of the DM Notes. On the right hand side, you can see the text document for your map.
Layer and Room Panel: From here, you can minimize or expand each layer to see an overview of the entire level as well as see individual rooms. Drag & drop the preview images onto your notes to add them.
Bookmark Panel: Based on the headlines, or rooms you have added a bookmark section will be created to help you navigate your notes.
Print: Print out your notes.
What you write using the GM Notes tool will show up in the Virtual Tabletop function of Dungeon Fog! Simply click on the book icon in the yellow panel to view them.
How utilize the dynamic notes
To add a room to your notes, simply drag the image from the sidebar onto your notes-canvas:
1) Select the room preview you want to add and drag it onto the canvas
2) Based on the notes you have added through the editor (notes tab) and the textures and assets you have used to draw the room, a preview image and a table with dynamic notes will be created.
Tutorial Video GM Notes Welcome to our new and improved GM Notes, based off of grapesjs and tiptap. Our editor will allow you to quickly and easily create beautiful documents for your maps, while giving you detailed formatting options to get the ...
Let's get right into it! Looking for a quick and fun first starter-tutorial? Watch Till teaching the DeadAussieGamer learning to walk in DungeonFog: Platform Overview After you have created your account and logged in, you are forwarded to your ...
The Campaign Manager tool is the entrance into using the Virtual Tabletop function of Dungeon Fog! Using this portal, you can assign maps to your campaign, create tokens for your players, and create ongoing logs and notes for your campaign. After ...
Etiquette All members of the DGNFOG community are expected to be familiar with these rules of etiquette and they will be enforced evenly and without bias in every situation which is brought to the attention of the administration regardless of the ...
Using the Export Tool, you can turn maps made in Dungeon Fog into downloadable and printable files! Here is an overview of the options: The Export Panel: At the top, you are able to name the file, and choose its file type. Support file types are PNG, ...