How to: Clone Campaign Maps back to My Maps

How to: Clone Campaign Maps back to My Maps

You may have during the course of a campaign, made changes to a map that you want to save and use for another campaign.  You maybe just accidentally were updating the campaign map and not the core map.  Either way, you can now clone your campaign map back to your regular core maps so you don't have to loose your changes and do all that work over again.

To clone a campaign map proceed to the 'my campaigns' section of the website:

Once there, for the selected map you want to clone, click on the options button to show the available options.  You will see the new 'clone to my maps' option at the bottom, click this option to clone the map:

Once the map has been been cloned you will see the "clone successful" dialog box at the top of the page:

You can now access your map in the dashboard or the 'my maps' section of the website and will have 'campaign clone' appended to the map name.

Last Reviewed - v5.11.2
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